Tag Archives: Ping Pong Paddles

Ping Pong Paddles

1Ping pong paddles, also known as table tennis rackets or bats (in Europe), are common designed and readily available on most markets. The paddles are used most often during pin pong games with some specific regulations that are often followed whether known by the game participants or not.

Surface Regulations

Both material and color are designed with purpose for pin pong paddles. Regulations allow different surfaces on each side, which will affect the different spin and speed results. Players may vary in the type of surface they have, specific to spin preference, but they have to allow the paddle to be inspected before the game begins. The rules require one side red and the other side black so the opponent is aware which surface is being used during each move. Rubber coating is the most common, however there are some uncoated paddles along with other surface materials that are not within the competition regulations.

Assembly and Maintenance

Most Ping Pong Paddles have common methods of assembly in their creation. While most people will purchase in stores, preassembled paddles, there are other options available in the specific layer assembly. Tournament players often will have custom made ones in order to get specific results based within regulation designs. Layers are usually glued using specific adhesives but other, more regularly found options are sometimes sufficient. Paddles don’t need resurfacing until the rubber has worn down from use. Regular cleaning will keep the surface in spin creating conditions and can be maintained easily with commercial cleaners, or water and soap.